HomeQuestion PapersTest - MNIT Allahabad 2019 Superintendent Stage III Question PapersTests Test – MNIT Allahabad 2019 Superintendent Stage III June 3, 2023 Share WhatsAppEmailTelegram Get updates on WhatsApp / Telegram 1. जानबूझकर विपत्ति में पड़ना अर्थ निम्नलिखित विकल्पों में किस महावरे का है ? ओखली में सिर देना आसमान से गिरकर खजूर में अटकना आस्तीन में साँप पालना आसमान टूट पड़ना None 2. होनहार............के होत चीकने पात' ल्ोकोक्ति को पूरा कीजिए नोनिहात्र बालक बकिस्वानल मानुष None 3. निम्निलिखित में से कौन सा वाक्य शुद्ध है? तुम्हारे से कोई काम नहीं हो सकता नेताजी की मृत्यु क्षोभजनक है फल्नों का एक विक्रेता मुझे प्रतिदिन फल्र दे जाता है दिन भर वह कड़े परिश्रम करता है None 4. 'नरेश सो रहा था।' वाक्य में कौन सा काल है? पूर्ण भूत अपूर्ण भूत आसन््न भूत सामान्य भत None 5. निम्नलिखित में से किस शब्द की वर्तनी शब्द है ? श्रृंगार अश्रंखल्रा श्रूम श्रवण None of the above None 6. पुल्लिंग-स्त्रीलिंग शब्द-युग्म की दृष्टि से कोन सा यग्म अशद्ध है? कर्त्ता-कत्री नेता-नेत्री धाॉता-धात्री दाता-दात्री None 7. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा शब्द अनेकार्शी है? प्रोणी धतूरा प्रेत पृष्ठ None 8. _______ के कारण मैं रस्सी को साँप समझ बैठा” रिक्त स्थान के लिए उपयुक्त शब्द होगा- जिज्ञासा भय भ्रम सन्देह None 9. ______ हो क्या? किस बात पर तो हृढ़ रहो।” रिक्त स्थान के लिए उपयुक्त मुहावरा होगा- पत्थर की ल्कीर सोने पे सुहागा बेपेंदी का ल्लोटा मोटी अक्लत्र का None 10. दूर से फैंककर चलाया जाने वाला हथियार कहलाता है- शस्त्र आयुध तलवार अस्त्र None 11. किस तरह का वाक्य है- “सबको अपना काम समय पर पूरा करना चाहिए" आज़ार्थक विधानार्थक संकेतार्थक इच्छाबोधक None 12. जो दूर की सोच न सके - अविवेकी अनाग्रहसोची मूर्ख दुरदर्शी None 13. Direction (13-17): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. 13. Why did the tailor work very hard? An old tailor and his wife lived on the outskirts of a city. They had a daughter whom they both loved very much and as she was about to be married they took great pains to save money. The man toiled for long hours and his wife worked too. With the money they saved they purchased a few ornaments and kept them in a small wooden box for safekeeping. One day their hut caught fire. The man and his wife escaped just in time but the fire spread rapidly and soon engulfed the whole house. The neighbours soon gathered around and would not allow the man to risk his life and enter the house to save the precious ornaments. They drew water from nearby wells to pour onto the fire. A young traveller saw the poor man in tears and said. "Why are you so upset? Your house can soon be rebuilt." "It is not my house that I am shedding tears for", the tailor replied, "But the ornaments that we have bought for our daughter. Now we shall not be able to give here the wedding gift we worked so hard for!" The traveller thought for a while and seeing the plight of the poor man decided to help, but for a price. "I will help you on condition that I will give you only what I like." The poor man was so desperate to salvage a few of the ornaments at least that he agreed.The young man entered the house carefully and located the box hidden exactly where the old man has said it would be. He came out of the house with the box, opened it, removed the ornaments and returned the box to the tailor. The old man was bewildered. "But I liked and so I have given you the box", the young man retorted cheekily. The neighbours were annoyed with the young man but could think of no solution. The old man has agreed to the condition after all. But his wife intervened, "Let us go to the magistrate. He is a just man. Surely he will find a solution." The young man was not willing to go to the magistrate but the neighbours insisted. When he heard the story the magistrate realised the young man had taken advantage of the poor tailor. "You told the tailor that you would give him what you like were my exact words". the young man replied. "Do you like the ornaments" the magistrate questioned. "Yes of course!" "Well as you like the ornaments you have to give them back to the old man as was agreed between you". The young man realized that he had been outwitted. To save money so that his wife and he could live comfortably in their old age To have enough money to give his daughter a lavish wedding To earn enough to rebuild his house To buy his daughter ornaments as a wedding gift with the money he earned None 14. Which of the following can be said about the tailor? He was greedy and cared only about saving the ornaments he owned He was cheated by the travller He was dishonest because he had no intention of honouring the agreement he head made with the young man He had a poor memory and could not remember exactly where he had kept the ornamentsw None 15. Which of the following is TRUE about the traveller? 1. He had a cheat 2. He wanted a reward for rescuing the ornaments 3. He did the old man a good turn by saving the ornaments Only (1) Both (1) and (2) Only (3) Only (2) None 16. Why did the tailor agree to the condition that the young man had laid down? 1. He was agraid to save the ornaments himself 2. His wife advised him to do so 3. It was important for him to save the ornaments All (1), (2) and (3) Both (1) and (2) Only (1) Only (3) None 17. How was the dispute resolved? The Magistrate confiscated the ornament and did not give them to either the tailor or the traveller The Magistrate took the tailor's side and sent the young man to jail The neighbours requested the young man to return the ornaments to the tailor None of these None 18. 'If I had a map I would lend it to you.' The 'if-clause' in this sentence indicates meaning in ____ tense An old tailor and his wife lived on the outskirts of a city. They had a daughter whom they both loved very much and as she was about to be married they took great pains to save money. The man toiled for long hours and his wife worked too. With the money they saved they purchased a few ornaments and kept them in a small wooden box for safekeeping. One day their hut caught fire. The man and his wife escaped just in time but the fire spread rapidly and soon engulfed the whole house. The neighbours soon gathered around and would not allow the man to risk his life and enter the house to save the precious ornaments. They drew water from nearby wells to pour onto the fire. A young traveller saw the poor man in tears and said. "Why are you so upset? Your house can soon be rebuilt." "It is not my house that I am shedding tears for", the tailor replied, "But the ornaments that we have bought for our daughter. Now we shall not be able to give here the wedding gift we worked so hard for!" The traveller thought for a while and seeing the plight of the poor man decided to help, but for a price. "I will help you on condition that I will give you only what I like." The poor man was so desperate to salvage a few of the ornaments at least that he agreed.The young man entered the house carefully and located the box hidden exactly where the old man has said it would be. He came out of the house with the box, opened it, removed the ornaments and returned the box to the tailor. The old man was bewildered. "But I liked and so I have given you the box", the young man retorted cheekily. The neighbours were annoyed with the young man but could think of no solution. The old man has agreed to the condition after all. But his wife intervened, "Let us go to the magistrate. He is a just man. Surely he will find a solution." The young man was not willing to go to the magistrate but the neighbours insisted. When he heard the story the magistrate realised the young man had taken advantage of the poor tailor. "You told the tailor that you would give him what you like were my exact words". the young man replied. "Do you like the ornaments" the magistrate questioned. "Yes of course!" "Well as you like the ornaments you have to give them back to the old man as was agreed between you". The young man realized that he had been outwitted. Present Past Future All of the above None 19. Determine meaning of the idiom 'lock, stock and barrel' in the following sentence - "He has been pressing the organization to move lock, stock and barrel from Delhi to Bangalore." All the official records of the organization Everything belonging to the organization Employees of the organization All equipment's/tools of the organization None 20. Transform the following sentence into passive - "Paint covered the lock." The lock was covered by paint The lock got covered with paint The lock was covered with aint None 21. Rearrange the following into a meaningful sentence - Paths(1) glory(2) lead(3) the grave(4) to(5) but(6) of(7) 1,7,4,3,6,5,2 1,7,2,3,6,5,4 1,3,5,6,4,7,2 4,3,6,5,1,7,8 None 22. Arrange the following entries of an official letter in proper sequence - (1)Heading (2)Inside Address (3) Message (4) Reference initials (5) Date (6)Salutation (7)Complimentary close (8)Enclosure 1,5,2,6,3,7,4,8 1,2,4,6,3,7,8,5 1,2,5,4,6,3,7,8 1,5,2,4,6,3,7,8 None 23. Full form of etc. is - et cettra etcettra etcetra et cetera None 24. Supply the proper verb form in the following sentence - I ____ my briefcase and ___ out of the hotel yesterday. (pickup: run) I will pick u my briefcase and with run out of the hotel yesterday I would ick up my briefcase and would ran out of hotel yesterday I picked u my briefcase and ran out of the hotel yesterday I have to ick up my briefcase and run out of the hotel yesterday None 25. Choose the correct sequence of words to fill in the blanks - The police failed to ___ any information about the manufacturers of ____ drugs illicit, elicit elicit, illicit elite, illicit illicit, elite None 26. Correct the spelling mistake in the bold word of the following sentence - I do not believe in *hepocresy* Hypocresy Hypocreasy Hypocriesy Hypocrisy None 27. Find out the largest number of 4 digits which is completely divisible by 18 9993 9936 9918 9963 None 28. What will be the area of a rectangle (in Sq. cm), having perimeter 48cm and width 10cm? 140 480 240 440 None 29. A seller sells a coconut for Rs.24 and suffers a loss of 20%. What will be his profit percentage if the coconut is sold for Rs.36? 10 20 30 40 None 30. A taxi, with a speed of 40km/hr covers a certain distance in 25 minutes. By how much the speed should be increased to cover the same distance in 20 minutes 50 5 25 10 None 31. If in third year, the compound interest on certain sum is Rs.1240. What will be compound interest on the same sum in 4th year at 9% rate of interest? 1245.6 1521.6 1351.6 1220.6 None 32. If -3/2 + 2/3 (3x+9) = x/2. Find x -9 11 9 -3 None 33. Find out the sum of first 12 terms of an arithmetic progression if first and last terms are 3 and 47 respectively. 260 300 280 220 None 34. A jar contains 72 litres of pure milk in which 18 litres of water is added. If 45 litres of mixture is taken out from the jar, what will be the reamaining quantity of milk in the jar (in litres)> 60 36 42 Data insufficient None 35. Train 'A' crosses a platform in 80 seconds with speed of 54 km/hr. Train 'B' crosses the same platform in 48 seconds with the speed of 72 km/hr. If tarin 'B' is half than train 'A' in length, what is the length of train 'A' (in meters) 480 540 420 360 None 36. Study the question and decide which of the following statement is sufficient to answer the question? Question: Which day is 14th of the given month? Statement: 1. Last day of the month is Sunday 2. 4th Saturday of the month is 25th day Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient Statement 2 alone is sufficient whereas statement 1 alone is insufficient Either of the statements 1 and 2 is sufficient Statement 1 alone is sufficient whereas statement 2 alone is insufficient None 37. In a class of 42 students, Nitin is 23rd from the top. What is his rank from the bottom? 20th 25th 27th 23rd None 38. Assume the following statement true and decide which of the conclusion(s) follows/follow logically from the statement. Statement: Jack becomes lazy by only doing the work without any entertainment. Conclusion: 1. Doing work is important. 2. We compromise with work for having entertainment. Only conclusion 2 follows Only conclusion 1 follows Both 1 and 2 do not follow Both 1 and 2 follow None 39. Select the option which is different from rest three options: ghif xyzw ponm mnol None 40. If Y is brother of X, Y is son of Z, then what is the relation of father of Z with X? Father Father in law Grand Father Uncle/Maternal Uncle None 41. If Kamla is 50 meters South-West from Neeta and Rita is 50 meters South-East from Neeta, then in which direction Rita is with reference to Kamla? East West North-West North-East None 42. By which article of the Indian Constitution, arrangement has been made to abolish untouchability? Article - 14 Article - 15 Article - 16 Article - 17 None 43. In which of the following states, the 'Tharu Tribe' is residing? Bihar and Madhya Pradesh Jharkhand and Bihar Chhattisgarh and Himachal Pradesh Uttarakhand and Uttar PPradesh None 44. First Union Territory of India Catered Cent Percent by the solar energy is - Chandigarh Diu Andaman - Nicobar Puducherry None 45. Which of the following country announced to levy 'Carbon Tax' from 2019 for reducing the Greenhouse gas emission? Thailand China Singaore Malaysia None 46. 24th Winter Olympic, 2022 will be hosted by Italy China Japan Germany None 47. Which one of the following banks is not one of the three Banks merged to form the third largest bank of India? Vijaya Bank Bank of Baroda Indian Bank Dena Bank None 48. Which one is the first state in India to implement 10% quota for economically weaker section in general category - Bihar Gujrat Punjab Maharashtra None 49. Which city included Hindi as the third official language to be used in its courts? Doha Abu Dhabi Singapore Kaula Lumpur None 50. File extension of word document is .xls .doc .word .jpeg None 51. You can set page border in excel form - From Border tab in format cells dialog box From Border tool in formatting tool bar From Line style tool in drawing tool bar None of the above None 52. How to select one hyperlink after another during a slide presentation? Ctrl + K Ctrl + D Tab Ctrl + H None 53. In Tally, which option is used to copy company's data into pen drive or CD? Back up Restore Split company data Copy data None 54. In Tally, party account can be created through: Group creation window Ledger creation window Inventory creation window None of the above None 55. ____ is a software whose pprogramming code is owned by the original developer but it is made available free to the general public, who is encouraged to experiment with the software, make improvements and share the improvements with the user community. Free ware Share ware Open source None of these None 56. Power of Spread Sheets lies in Worksheets Cells Labels Formulas None 57. Free of cost repair of software bug available at internet is called - Version Ad-on Tutorial Patch None 58. In internet terminology, IP means Internet Provider Internet Protocol Internet Procedure Internet Processor None 59. All of the following are top-level Computer domains except .edu .org .gov. .mic None 60. The management of date flow between computer or devices or between nodes in a network is called Flow Control Data Control Data Management Flow Management None 61. A Cookie is made by the _____ and eaten by the _____ Client, Client Client, Server Server, Server None of the above None 62. Who appoints the First Appellate Authority under the RTI Act, 2005? Chief Information Commissioner State Information Commissioner Head of the Concerned Public Authority Ministry of Information and Broadcasting None 63. Under RTI Act, information is provided free of cost if: Supplied after a lapse of 20 days Sought by citizen living below poverty line Sought by SC/ST/PWD In all of the above conditions None 64. For inspection of records, under RTI Act 2005, charges are _____- No charges No fee for the first hour, a fee of Rs.10/- for each subsequent hour No fee for the first hour, a fee of Rs.5/- for each subsequent hour No fee for the first hour, a fee of Rs.2/- for each subsequent hour None 65. Which section of RTI Act 2005 deals with Suo Moto disclosures: Section 2(f) Section 6 Section 8 Section 4 None 66. What constitutes 'interruption in service' entailing forfeiture of past service? (i) Resignation (ii) Dismissed (iii) Removal (iv) Suspension (ii) (ii) & (iii) (i), (ii) & (iii) (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv) None 67. Honorarium can be paid for Preparation of annual report Stock verification of stationery stores Answering the Parliamentary questions None of the above None 68. A Central Government Pensioner is entitled to commute his pension for lumpsum payment by a fraction not exceeding 30% 37% 33% 40% None 69. The rate of Penal interest over and above the rate of interest of GPF, in case of unutilized LTC advance is 2.5% 3% 2% 3.5% None 70. Qualifying Service required for earning an yearly increment (on 1st January or 1st July of a year) is 3 months and above 5 months and above 6 months and above 12 months and above None 71. One of the following combinations of leave is not permissible under CCS(Leave) Rules, 1972 Earned Leave and Maternity Leave Casual Leave and Earned Leave Commuted Leave and Half Pay Leave Earned Leave and Extra Ordinary Leave None 72. Who is the competent authority to constitute Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) in terms of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Preventin, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013? Government of India State Government Head of the Organization concerned District Magistrate of the District None 73. What is the full form of CCS (CCA) Rules? Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules Central Civil Services (Classification, Conduct and Appeal) Rules Central Civil Services (Control, Classification and Appeal) Rules Central Civil Services (Control, Conduct and Appeal) Rules None 74. In case of both husband and wife are Central government servants, which of the following is not true regarding the eligibility/entitlement: They can declare separate Home Towns and may claim the LTC separately for members of respective families Both can avail House Building Advance separately Children Education Allowance will be admissible to any one parent alone Both are entitled to draw HRA even if they work in same station and lives together None 75. Reservation for SC category in direct recruitment of All India basis otherwise than by open competition is: 15% 16 1/2% 16 2/3 15 2/3% None 76. None 77. Tenure for serving in North East Region, fixed for staff with service of 10 years or less is 1 years 2 years 3 years 4 years None 78. Study leave can be granted to Government servants with not less than ____ years of services 2 3 4 5 None 79. Lumpsum incentive for acquiring higher qualification is payable for - PG Degree / Diploma and Ph.D PG Degree / Diploma and Degree / Diploma Ph.D, PG Degree / Diploma, Degree / Diploma Incentive has been withdrawn after implementation of 7th pay commission None 80. Maximum amount of House Building Advance that can be sanctioned to a Government Servant 25 lakhs 30 lakhs None 81. Under Transfer TA entitlement composite transfer grant payable in equal to Last month's basic pay 80% of last month's basic pay 75% of the last month's basic pay 50% last month's basic pay None 82. Maximum amount payable as immediate relief to the family of an employee who dies while in service Rs.20000 Rs.25000 Rs.30000 Rs.50000 None 83. Benchmark prescribed for grant of financial upgradation under MACP as per Seventh CPC for all posts - Satisfactory Good Very Good Outstanding None 84. Minimum years of service prescribed for withdrawal of 90% of balance from GPF 7 years 10 years 5 years 2 years None 85. For having the checks on delays in disposing various official matters, the arrear statement should be prepared on _____ Weekly basis and Monthly basis Weekly basis and Fortnightly basis Weekly basis, Fortnightly basis and Monthly basis Daily basis and weekly basis None 86. For Record Management under e-Office procedure, the e-files are categorized as - Category I, II and III Category I, II, III and IV Category I and Ii None of the above None 87. Chairman of a Parliament Committee is appointed by Speaker Union Minister of Home Affairs Prime Minister Members of Parliament None 88. Which of the following is not the Part of Assistant's Dairy? File No. Subject Date of Submission Signature of receiver None 89. Income limit for family members of a Government employee for availing medical facilities 10000 + Dearness Relief 7000 + Dearness Relief 8000 + Dearness Relief 9000 + Dearness Relief None 90. Proforma Promotion means - An employee not fit for promotion at a particular time and his result is kept in a sealed cover An employee who already got the particular pay level thought MACP, gets promotion and change in designation in same pay level An employee who is junior to other employees being considered promoted due to availability of vacancies An employee serving outside his cadre (deputation etc..) is considered for promotion when due to his cadre None 91. Number of financial upgradations permissible under MACP 2 1 3 4 None 92. Minimum period of continuous service which should have been rendered by a deceased Government servant to be eligible for higher rate of family pension 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years None 93. In seventh pay commission what is the multiplication factor fixation of pay in Level 13 2.57 2.67 3.68 2.37 None 94. First Statutes of the National Institutes of Technology come into force in the year _____ 2007 2008 2009 2010 None 95. Who is the Chief Executive Authority in NITs? Board of Governors Director Registrat Visitor None 96. 'Code of conduct' for permanent employees of NITs is broadly based on - CCS(CCA) Rules 1965 CCS(CCA) Rules 1962 CCS (Leave) Rules None of the above None 97. Which of the following act does not come under the purview of Senate in NITs? To decide method of appointment of Officers of the Institute To frame syllabi for the courses of studies To supervise the working of Library of the Institute To make recommendation for creation of Departments None 98. For redressing any dispute between the Institute and its employees in NITs, who appoints an umpire in Tribunal of Arbitration? Ministry of Human Resource Development Director Board of Governors Visitor None 99. Part of earth's surface on which the Seismic waves are recorded at first is _____ Focus of earthquake Epic center Seismosite None of the above None 100. Which of the following is not true? Bidders have the right to alter or modify their bids before the expiry of the deadline for receipt of bids Bids should be opened in a closed room and no one else is allowed to be inside except bid opening Committee members and representatives of firms Bidders do not have any right to alter or modify their bids, once submitted None of the above None 1 out of 10 Time's up Share WhatsAppEmailTelegram Previous articleDoPT Compilation of Fundamental Rules & Supplementary Rules (FR SR)Next articleTest – MNIT Allahabad 2019 Assistant Registrar Question Paper Part C RELATED ARTICLES Q&A Test – IIT Goa 2021 Sr. Superintendent Exam Question Paper with Answers September 24, 2023 Question Papers Test – MNIT Allahabad 2019 Assistant Registrar Question Paper Part C June 6, 2023 Question Papers Test – NIT Allahabad Superintendent May 17, 2023 LEAVE A REPLY Cancel reply Comment: Please enter your comment! Name:* Please enter your name here Email:* You have entered an incorrect email address! 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